Character: Cassie Sandsmark (Wonder Girl)
Series: DC Comics
Worn at: Dragon*Con 2010, FutureCon 2010
Status: Discarded, reused (pants)
This costume was literally made the day before we left for Dragon*Con. The shirt was a t-shirt I cut up and inset the symbol into. The stars are craft foam and metallic spandex, handsewn onto the pants (which were bought). The bracers are also metallic spandex and craft foam. The first wig was styled in about 10 minutes by Scion and Gillykins in the hotel room, while the second wig I did in about half an hour the day before the next con.
Photo credits: Once Upon a Geek, Bodhi Tree Photography, Mark Shafer, Tricky Love, Tim Gardner, Phil Gotfried, A Jolly
Roll Call: Donna Troy, Zatanna/Donna Troy